Pick of Senator Kamala Harris for VP makes the most boldly pro-climate ticket in history

Senator Kamala Harris has a solid climate record

August 11, 2020
Hannah Blatt, hblatt@edfaction.org, 202-572-3534

(Washington D.C., August 11, 2020) Vice President Joe Biden has picked Senator Kamala Harris to be his running mate.

“Senator Kamala Harris is an incredibly strong climate advocate and will make a great Vice President,” said EDF Action President Joe Bonfiglio. “Joe Biden picked a partner that will help his administration achieve the commonsense climate solutions that voters are looking for in this election. Senator Harris campaigned fiercely for climate action in the past, and in the Senate, is a leader for environmental justice. This ticket shows just how committed Joe Biden is to making real and lasting climate progress and stands in stark contrast to Donald Trump and Mike Pence’s efforts to implement a polluter first agenda.”

Senator Harris has a record of advocating for climate change solutions in the Senate while championing environmental justice policies. While in office, she introduced the Climate Equity Act, which would evaluate environmental and climate policies based on the impacts on frontline communities. She also co-sponsored a bill to strengthen pipeline safety and reduce methane leaks. During her own presidential campaign, she released a bold climate plan to achieve a clean economy and make our electricity, infrastructure and transportations sectors carbon-neutral and zero emissions.

The pick of Senator Harris as Vice President Joe Biden’s running mate creates an incredibly formidable ticket with two strong climate advocates. This sets a stark contrast with President Trump and Vice President Pence who are running on their anti-environmental record – trying to roll back over 100 critical protections for air, water and health.


Paid for by EDF Action, edfaction.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.