EDF Action Releases New TV Ad Urging Climate Action

April 27, 2022
Hannah Blatt, hblatt@edfaction.org, 202-572-3534

(Washington, D.C., April 27, 2022) EDF Action, the advocacy partner of the Environmental Defense Fund, released a new national TV ad highlighting the urgent need to confront the climate crisis and create a clean energy economy.

This new ad builds off our March campaign and adds to the over $8 million EDF and EDF Action have spent on advertisements in support of the President’s climate agenda since June 2021. EDF Action has been a leading group in the efforts to pass bold climate investments and support the President’s climate agenda.

“Americans are feeling the pain at the pump. This is one of the many consequences of being dependent on fossil fuels, but we know this doesn’t have to be our future,” said EDF Action President David Kieve. “Time after time, President Biden has called the climate crisis, ‘a blinking code red for our planet.’ Now we have an opportunity for our leaders to step up and take bold action. We need the President and Congress to hammer out a deal that delivers on the climate solutions we need to safeguard our health, protect our planet and strengthen our economy. Here at EDF Action we’re focused on getting these bold investments across the finish line.”