Science under attack

The “Censored Science” rule would effectively bar the agency from using many high quality scientific studies in the development of regulations to safeguard public health and the environment.

It would require all data in studies and analyses that are used to make regulations to be publicly available. This is an issue because many critical studies rely on medical and other personal information of study participants and cannot be made publicly available for legal and ethical reasons. The rule wouldn’t add any meaningful information to an already very open process, but would stop EPA from using important health studies and make it harder for the agency to protect us.

The Censored Science proposal is another brazen attempt by the Trump administration to loosen regulations for polluters at the expense of human health and our environment.

A record of attacking science and scientists

This proposal is just another example in the long list of attacks on basic science from the Trump administration:

  • Trump’s EPA is tipping the scales on EPA’s Science Advisory Boards toward industry funded scientists instead of university researchers and others. And when the EPA’s proposals are so bad that the industry-tilted advisory board points out that they aren’t based on science, the Trump administration ignores it.
  • Across the federal government, the administration is suppressing scientific studies and minimizing the role of scientists. Any research projects that could impact major industries by requiring greater regulation seem to be under attack. In one case, the administration has blocked a study warning that Americans inhale enough formaldehyde to put them at risk of developing cancer and other health problems.
  • TCE is a known human carcinogen that interferes with normal early-life development, is toxic to the immune system and kidneys, and is associated with neurological damage – among other harmful health effects. The chemical contaminates land, air and water in communities across the country. Under the Trump EPA, two proposed bans on high risk uses of TCE have been delayed indefinitely.
  • 1,4-dioxane is a likely carcinogen that can be toxic to the liver, kidney, and central nervous system. It’s also frequently found in drinking water and is a contaminant in a range of consumer products. In evaluating the chemical’s safety, EPA has drastically underestimated the risk 1,4-dioxane poses to workers, and has ignored risks to the public. This evaluation – which has been strongly criticized by EPA’s science advisors – would result in inadequate protections.
  • Trump has put lobbyists and industry representatives who have a record of distorting science to benefit industry in key positions at EPA.
Girl at water fountain

Trump's EPA suppressed a study showing more people are at risk of drinking contaminated water than previously thought.