EDF Action Votes Launches Campaign to Re-elect Bipartisan Murkowski-Peltola Ticket in Alaska

October 25, 2022
Hannah Blatt, hblatt@edfaction.org, 202-572-3534

(Washington, D.C. - October 25, 2022) EDF Action Votes announced a $372,000 mail program in Alaska supporting a cross-party pro-environment ticket: Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Rep. Mary Peltola. 

The mail will be narrowly targeted to ticket-splitting voters, based on polling and custom modeling that shows the potential to solidify support for these two candidates with a message that they will put Alaska first and fight to protect the state’s salmon fisheries.   

“Alaskans want independent voices in Washington who are willing to put partisan politics aside to pass commonsense measures that protect our environment and the Alaska way of life,” said EDF Action Votes Political Director Dustin Ingalls. “That’s exactly what Lisa Murkowski and Mary Peltola have always done. If we want to make bipartisan progress, we must look past party labels and re-elect them.” 

Paid for by EDF Action Votes


Paid for by EDF Action Votes, edfactionvotes.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.