EDF Action Hosted Clean Energy & Transportation Event

August 9, 2021
Hannah Blatt, hblatt@edfaction.org, 202-572-3534

Photos for use: approved for media use with attribution to EDF Action


(Las Vegas, NV - August 9, 2021) EDF Action, the advocacy partner of the Environmental Defense Fund, held an event at First Friday Las Vegas to highlight the importance of clean transportation. The event showcased the need for bold climate action by Congress, with serious investments in clean energy and transportation. These investments will help build back our economy, creating good paying jobs and tackling the climate crisis head on.

“EDF Action members are energized about meeting the moment, advocating for bold climate action now. They’re out gathering petitions, doing visibility events and meeting with elected officials to talk about the importance of tackling the climate crisis head on. We need Congress to act now with bold solutions that accelerate our transition to a clean economy, with big investments in clean energy and electric vehicles,” said Rosie Gully, EDF Action’s Nevada Climate Team Organizer.