EDF Action and EDF Action Votes Congratulate Representative Lauren Underwood for Winning Reelection

Protecting Public Health and Fighting for Hardworking Families Helped Push Representative Underwood to Victory

November 9, 2022
Hannah Blatt, hblatt@edfaction.org, 202-572-3534

(Washington, D.C. – November 9, 2022) EDF Action congratulates U.S. Representative Lauren Underwood (IL-14) for winning reelection.  

“Voters sent a strong message by reelecting Lauren Underwood to Congress,” said EDF Action President David Kieve. “Underwood’s record in Congress speaks for itself: working to protect public health and fighting for hardworking families, including finding ways to lower energy costs and create good-paying jobs. We were proud to support Lauren Underwood in her reelection bid and know she’ll continue to fight for Illinois families. We look forward to working with Representative Underwood to continue making climate progress over the next two years.” 

EDF Action Votes ran an $82,000 mail program that highlighted Underwood’s record delivering for Illinois families. This program built on the work EDF Action Votes did the previous election cycle supporting Rep. Underwood in one of the closest races in the country.