Congress Must Act to Help Communities in Need

EDF Action Calls on Congress to Fund both Flint and Louisiana Recovery

September 28, 2016
Keith Gaby,, (202) 572-3336


As Congress readies to wrap up its final business before the election, EDF Action called for swift movement on aid for Flint and Louisiana before they leave Washington. Flint and South Louisiana have both been hit hard and urgently need assistance. Pending aid packages have broad support on Capitol Hill – there’s no reason Congress can’t get this done.

“Flint residents dealing with toxic lead in the water and flood victims in Louisiana whose homes were damaged or destroyed deserve prompt action from Congress,” said Elizabeth Thompson, president of EDF Action. “The people of Louisiana are trying to rebuild following a natural disaster and, more than two years since Flint was hit by a public health disaster, they are still waiting on aid. Congress should act quickly to help both communities before leaving Washington.”

In Flint Michigan, two years ago, a series of bad government decisions led to thousands of children being exposed to lead from their tap water.  More recently, in August, Louisiana was hit by climate-related flooding that affected more than one-hundred thousand homes killing a dozen people—the most significant natural disaster since Hurricane Sandy. Aid packages for both communities are pending, but a path forward on both measures remains uncertain before federal funding runs out Friday.